Thursday, January 27, 2011

Football Tournament Reflection

The football tournament was a complete success.  Participation was higher than expected with 4 teams signed up and over 20 kids participating.  A double elimination bracket was set up and a series of 7 games were played.  Refereeing was left to the players, and only a few disputes occurred over which down it was, but players were able to discuss amongst themselves, and problems were quickly solved. Some changes for next time would be to get the word out earlier so that players have time to get full teams together, and also collect any equipment that they may need during the game, e.g extra balls, or cleats.  Also next time I would prefer to hold a tournament in better weather so that we can allow spectators to watch, and also so players don't get so dirty that they can't get into their next class.  Above is a clip of the semi-final match held between the Angry Birds, and Jaylens Team.  The final score was 28-14, in favor of Jaylens team.

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